Olympic Death Baby

I fear my daughter’s recent treatment of Olympic Mascot ‘Mandeville” may have had something to do with Team GB’s current performance in the London Olympics…
I have managed to capture on film some of the neglect and abuse* he has been subjected to over the past few days. 
*Please be warned the following photographs contain images of Mascot cruelty and may cause extreme distress to some readers. 
The Jumperoo Stomp of Death
Her signature move – The Doom Shake
The Bum Squash
Harrowing banshee cries
Fed alive to the Kittens of Death
Forced to perform death-defying stunts on a daily basis
Fart torture
Taunted by ridiculous poses and bizarre facial contortion
Ignored for hours on end

The Death Roll
The Face Chew (of Death)
Ultimately ousted from the group by those he thought were his friends…

I apologise for the shocking and horrifying nature of some of the images above. If you or anyone you know suspects an Olympic Mascot nearby is suffering the same abuse, please don’t delay – drink some gin immediately and share your story below in the comments box.
Together we can eliminate Mascot cruelty and drink ourselves blind.

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